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What decisions can a deputy make?

There are two types of deputies that the Court of Protection can appoint. These are a property and financial affairs deputy and a health and welfare deputy.

Property and financial affairs deputy: this involves making decisions about financial matters, including paying invoices and bills, sourcing and buying services, protecting benefits entitlement, and organising pensions.

Health and welfare deputy: this includes making decisions about the care and treatment someone receives, as well as deciding where someone lives.

Health and welfare deputies are only appointed in rare circumstances, with decisions usually being made by the Court of Protection rather than a deputy.

Applications can be made for one type of deputy or both. Once someone has been appointed as a deputy, a court order will be issued detailing what decisions can or can't be made. There may still be some decisions that a person can make themselves, and it's important that the person who lacks capacity is kept informed and is included in any decisions that need to be made.

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