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Corporate Social Responsibility

At CFG, we recognise as a firm the importance of giving something back


At CFG, we recognise as a firm the importance of giving something back, whether to the local community via fundraising or to those in need from the wider population as a whole.

This is why our purpose is – ‘To help those affected by injury – together’. This encompasses all people who have sustained an injury and not just those who have a personal injury claim.

Charity Fundraising

Each year, our colleagues are invited to nominate and vote for a local charity they feel would benefit from our support from both a fundraising and volunteering perspective.

Charity of the year 2023

Our chosen charity of the year for 2023 is Our Special Friends.

“Our Special Friends” are a Suffolk based charity that provides support to people who are struggling in a range of situations and where animal companionship plays an important role in helping them to cope. 

Our Special Friends:

  • Assists people to look after their pets.
  • Arrange for temporary foster care.
  • Provide bereavement support.
  • Placement of a new pet.
  • Regular visits from a volunteer.
  • General support for those who may be struggling in the community.


Environmental Impact

We realise the importance of our responsibility towards a healthy global environment and have identified opportunities to contribute to the environmental betterment of our colleagues and clients alike. We promote behaviours and leverage best practices and technologies to reduce the persistence of paper in the workplace.

In 2019, we aimed to reduce our paper storage by 60%, as well as reduce our physical consumption of paper by 60% and have implemented supporting business practices and technologies that support paper reduction in the workplace.

Our colleagues

We are committed to ensuring we have an inclusive culture where everyone is afforded opportunities to learn, develop and progress their careers at CFG. We aim to provide a safe, secure and supportive environment for all colleagues and have a number of policies and benefits in place to ensure their wellbeing.

We treat all colleagues equally and create a working environment which is free from discrimination and harassment and which reflects the diverse background and beliefs of colleagues.