A costs ruling to uplift four costs bills for Court of Protection work will pave the way for an increase in the guideline hourly rates. The current rates are based on the guidelines for 2010, which do not consider inflation in the past 10 years, as well as the specialism and complexities of Court of Protection work.
Although the rate itself hasn’t changed, the ruling establishes the court’s approach to guideline rates. This means moving forwards, costs officers should use a ‘broad, pragmatic flexibility’ when using the 2010 guidelines.
In all four cases, costs were approved higher than the 2010 guidelines, and gave future guidance of a 20% uplift on the 2010 figures.
David Hilton, Partner and Head of Court of Protection at CFG Law commented on the ruling:
“It’s great to see the complexities and cost of Court of Protection work being fairly recognised with this guidance. This uplift means we can continue to provide the much needed help and support to our client who have lost capacity and their families.”

David Hilton