We’re proud to announce that we’re now a strategic partner with the Child Brain Injury Trust (CBIT). CBIT are a national charity, who are dedicated to a future where all children impacted by brain injury, and their families, receive the support they need, when they need it.
We’ve partnered with CBIT to continue to provide their fantastic support to our clients who are living with child brain injury, as well as supporting them to help everyone affected, including the whole family and those who don’t have a legal claim. As specialists in brain injury claims, we’re always looking to partner with like-minded organisations and charities who provide wraparound support to those affected by injury. We believe that better outcomes can be achieved for everyone when we all work together.
This partnership sees us supporting their Temporal Lobe Package, which will fund four families to go through counselling sessions, enable CBIT to run family experience days out and provide their virtual support service to families in hospital throughout the year.
Steve Maloret, Partnerships Manager at CFG, commented, “The work that CBIT do to support families who have been affected by acquired brain injuries in children is incredible, and so valuable to everyone who needs their help. They work tirelessly to make sure that all the support that’s needed is in place. It’s a privilege to support them with this work, and we look forward to working with them more closely in the future.”
You can find further insight and information about brain injury on our blog, with real lived experience from people who have experienced brain injury firsthand, as well as through our podcast ‘Brain Injury Bites’.
This relationship adds to our partnerships and close work with other charities, including several Headway groups throughout the UK, being Trusted Legal Partners with the Spinal Injuries Association, MTSP approved legal partners, as well as working closely with RoadPeace, the Road Victims Trust and Steel Bones.