The law in relation to bereavement damages in England and Wales is woefully inadequate for the modern family and doesn't reflect the diverse families in our society. That's why we need your help. We are campaigning to make the government stand up and take notice of how out of date the law is and bring it in line with the law in Scotland.
Nothing can replace a loved one, but during such a horrendous time, how can we explain to one family that they might not have the same legal rights as another family and that comes down to something as brutal as their child's age?
Or that one partner does not have the same rights as another because they aren't married and haven't been living which each other for long enough? The law still refers to children from unmarried parents as 'illegitimate' – where's the sense in that?
When a family has been bereaved, how can you explain that one person's loss will get acknowledged in law or is somehow worth more attention or support than someone else who has just as strong ties of love and affection to the deceased?
If this sounds unfair, it is. Please help us by signing and sharing our petition, and let's bring the law in England, Wales & NI into the 21st century to provide fairness for bereaved families, as is already the case in Scotland.