Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) is often misunderstood and many people can become confused and puzzled with what a brain injury is and the effects it can have on someone’s life. Below we have covered some of the common myths surrounding Traumatic Brain Injury.
Myth 1: Mild Traumatic Brain Injury isn’t serious.
Because a traumatic brain injury has been classified as ‘mild’ this does not mean that the effects and consequences of the injury are not significant. Someone with a mild brain injury can experience many symptoms, including physical symptoms, cognitive problems and behavioural changes. These can include such things as nausea, vomiting, dizziness, headaches, problems with attention and concentration, memory loss and feelings of irritability or complete changes in behaviour.
Myth 2: You cannot have a Traumatic Brain Injury without loss of consciousness.
It has previously been thought that in order to have sustained a Traumatic Brain Injury, you must have experienced loss of consciousness. However, this is no longer the case and it has now been recognised that a brain injury can occur after a very brief loss of consciousness of 30 minutes or less or being dazed without loss of consciousness.
Myth 3: You must strike your head to suffer a Traumatic Brain Injury.
Striking your head is obviously one of the most common causes of a Traumatic Brain Injury. However, you can sustain a brain injury if your head undergoes rapid acceleration or deceleration. The impact on the brain can cause the brain to bump into the opposite side of the skull. The skull has rough bony components, and if the brain impacts with this area, a Traumatic Brain Injury can be present.
Myth 4: If a Traumatic Brain Injury does not show up on an MRI, CT scan or EEG, then it does not exist.
Some neuroimaging will not pick up on subtle changes in the brain. They are useful in determining damage in severe cases of Traumatic Brain Injury, but can often come back as “normal” in more subtle brain injuries. Just because a scan has come back “normal”, it does not mean that the injury will not have a significant impact on a persons’ life.
Myth 5: You can see the effects of a Traumatic Brain Injury straight away.
The true effects of a brain injury may not be apparent immediately after the injury has been sustained. Changes in behaviour, cognitive function, concentration and memory may become more apparent weeks and even months after the accident occurred.
Myth 6: Children with a Traumatic Brain Injury make a better recovery.
There are theories that children can better recover from a Traumatic Brain Injury due to the developing and changing nature of the brain. However, this is not true. Because a child’s brain is still developing, it can be difficult to see the full extent of their injuries. It can be several years before the full impacts of the injury can be recognised and impairments in the child’s development are noticed.
Myth 7: A mild Traumatic Brain Injury is not permanent.
Many people argue that if someone sustains a mild Traumatic Brain Injury, they will recover fully from their injuries. This is untrue. The effects of a Traumatic Brain Injury can be far-reaching and last for a long period of time. Someone with a Traumatic Brain Injury can suffer from symptoms from a few weeks, to several years, to the rest of their life, and no one person’s recovery is the same.
Myth 8: Mild Traumatic Brain Injuries are not debilitating.
A mild Traumatic Brain Injury can have a huge effect on someone’s life. People can differ in the severity of the symptoms they experience, but these symptoms can result in an inability to work, a disruption in their family life and their relationships and a complete change in the way they live their life.
At CFG Law, we are experienced in dealing with Traumatic Brain Injuries as a result of an accident. We understand that for someone to make the best possible recovery they need access to early treatment and support services for both them and their family. We work with a network of medical professionals to set up an early bespoke treatment plan to get your life back on track, whilst negotiating the maximum amount of compensation for you and your family.