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Brain injury case studies

Over £4 million compensation in cycling collision claim


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Amy* was cycling when she was involved a road traffic collision and sustained a severe traumatic brain injury with ongoing cognitive symptoms and physical implications. We provided extensive support to her and her family and secured over £4 million in compensation.


  • Amy’s family first contacted us whilst she was still unconscious in the hospital. They were worried about finances and were struggling to access Amy’s accounts to arrange payment of bills and assess her financial situation, which was causing them lots of anxiety.
  • As a result of her injuries, Amy could not remember the collision at all or what happened to her. The defendant denied that they were to blame for the collision and argued that Amy was partly responsible (this is called contributory negligence).

How we helped

  • We initially used our emergency fund (a fund that is sometimes available to pay for immediate support before the defendants have admitted they’re at fault) to help pay for Amy’s rent and also arranged a taxi account so that her family could visit her in the hospital.
  • Whilst the police investigation was ongoing, we pushed forward with the case and arranged for our own accident reconstruction evidence. This helped us to negotiate with the defendants and get them to agree significant interim payments (payments that the defendants pay whilst a case is ongoing to fund support and treatment without delaying until the case has settled).
  • With these interim payments, we instructed a case manager for Amy whilst she was still in the hospital. We also put in place a full private rehabilitation package to support Amy and help her to achieve her best possible outcome. 
  • We secured further funding from the defendants to pay for Amy’s ongoing rent as she was unable to work because of her injuries. 
  • Our rehabilitation and support coordinators also supported Amy with benefits applications and assessments and helped with other issues, including negotiating a reduction in her council tax.

Results and outcome

  • As part of her rehabilitation, Amy took part in two voluntary placements which helped with her self-esteem as she was not able to return to her previous job.
  • We settled her claim for over £4 million, which has helped Amy to pursue her passion of travelling with all the support in place to allow her to do this.

I just wanted to say than you again for guiding and supporting us through the nightmare. I am truly so glad that I found and chose you to act for us, I honestly don’t know how I would have got through if I hadn’t been able to rely on your advice and support.


*not her real name

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