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Case Studies

Our rehabilitation and support coordinators helped Andre with a move to a new home

Andre _CS_06

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Andre*, a husband and young father was attacked and sustained a traumatic brain injury.


As a result of his injury, Andre struggled with communication and word finding. His wife became his carer and assisted him with every day activities such as washing, dressing and cooking. Andre’s mobility was also limited and the family’s home, a flat with stairs, proved unsuitable for his needs.

How we helped

Our rehabilitation and support coordinator, Viola Tosh, was introduced to the family to provide some much needed support to both Andre and his wife.

  • The family were struggling with finances, so Viola provided advice and guidance to them around claiming benefits and Universal Credit.
  • Viola also liaised with the housing authority on behalf of the family and expediated the allocation of a new property that was better suited for Andre’s needs.
  • The family were also supported in accessing services through the brain injury charity, Headway. This included funding for Andre to attend and access their services one day a week, which made a huge difference to both Andre and his wife.
  • Further signposting to relevant charities was also provided, including a charity who provided the family with items of furniture for their new home.

Andre’s wife was incredibly grateful for all the support she received from Viola and said in the early days, she would have been lost without the support of the rehabilitation and support coordinator team.

*not his real name

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